The UPAS Group was formed to offer member benefits for the following:
1. For propane marketers and infrastructure providers, by becoming a member of the UPAS Group, you will benefit by identifying business opportunities for “Growing more gallons year round” and implementing propane delivery infrastructure to help you expand your AutoGas associated business. You will also have the opportunity to network with other members to see what has worked for them and what hasn’t. Members receive discounts on products for their AutoGas infrastructure as well as vehicle conversions. We provide our members a ‘members only’ section on our website. Within this section of the website you will be able to access training information, new products info and a membership forum where members can share knowledge.
2. For fleet administrators and managers focused on public and private fleet vehicle cost reductions AND emissions reduction programs and for all stakeholders responsible for finding ways to improve air quality through “best fit” adoption of alternative fuels -- we offer information and assessment programs to insure that Propane Autogas benefits result in optimum decision making including where propane is the fuel of choice for specific vehicles compared to all other fuels -- unleaded gasoline, diesel, electric, natural gas (CNG/LNG/RNG) and hydrogen.
For all stakeholders, we will provide the latest regarding the emerging market for Renewable PROPANE (RLPG).
We will also assist you in hosting Autogas roadshows in your area. .
Members will have the opportunity to attend shows with the UPAS Group and help grow the PROPANE AutoGas industry.